Brittany Danyelle

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Create More Content: Why Don’t You Repurpose That?

Being a small business owner or a small nonprofit can feel overwhelming to say the least. There’s a million things to do and a whole list of aspirational wants. It’s never ending. Have you ever spent a lot of time creating a monthly newsletter or spent a lot of money on a curated video about your organization, or expended  time and energy to create a program report? Whatever it is, my number one tip: create more content and repurpose it! 

You may have heard people say “repurpose your content” and what does that even mean? It means you’ve dedicated so much time, money, and resources into creating these AWESOME pieces of content, so maximize its value by creating smaller snippets of content and posting them on different platforms. 

Don’t worry about posting the same or similar things multiple times. The reality is that many people won’t see your post the first or even the second time. And even if they do, they may have forgotten about it, or the third time you posted it, was in a more easily digestible way for them to process. There's an old “marketing rule of 7” which states that a prospect needs to hear/see your message at least seven times before they’ll take action on your product or service. SEVEN TIMES! 

Now, I’m not saying to post an ad seven times in one day and suddenly *poof* sales will skyrocket. The reality is people will most likely unfollow and unsubscribe. But, you can be strategic. 

Here’s an example of what we’ve done for a client, RVC, to repurpose their content and it's something you can easily put into practice too! (we promise with just a *little* bit more time)


Throughout the month, we’ll post blog posts on RVC’s blog. Keeping your site updated with content by posting multiple days throughout the month can help with your SEO (but that’s a whole other conversation we won’t dive into, just know that it’s helpful to keep your site relevant with the Google gods, which is a good thing).


At the end of each month, we collate all of the blog posts that went out during the month and put it in their monthly newsletter. We also add some fresh resources and community events to make it a little unique.


We also create a blog post that mimics all of the content that was in that month’s newsletter (as seen by the yellow “July 2022 Newsletter” graphic in ‘Changemakers Blog’ image above). This is sent to people’s inboxes, but can also be linked in social media posts, and if people are looking through the blog and aren’t subscribed to their newsletter, they can also find it!


Lastly, post it on socials and direct your links where necessary. This could be linking to blog posts, newsletters, etc.

You can do this in any variety of ways and this is just one example of something that we do for our clients at RVC. By posting on socials, it helps to get the word out about all of the cool things you and your organization are doing. Make sure that you’re getting the bang for your buck (and time!) by putting in just a little bit more effort. The last thing we want is for you to spend all of this time and money on a big project and post it one time somewhere and never use it again. The more you can repurpose your content, the more eyes you’ll get on that project. 

This can also be done with videos by cutting down smaller snippets or taking a big multi-page program report and pulling out stats that could make great infographics. Whatever it may be, your creativity is the limit! 

Hope this helped! 

Make it yours, 
Brittany Danyelle